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Newspaper Wedding Announcement Wording Examples

Traditionally, the bride and groom make a public wedding announcement that is published in the newspaper. Whether you wish to make the announcement yourself or pass the information along from word to mouth, check out these great easy newspaper wedding announcement wording examples.

[bride’s parents] of [city] are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, [bride] to [groom], son of [groom’s parents] of [city] is a graduate of the [school] and is a [job title] at [employer]. [Groom] graduated from [school] and is employed with [name of employer]. An [month] wedding is planned.

[bride], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [bride’s parents] of [city, state], [groom], son of [groom’s parents] of [city, state], were married on [date]. The ceremony was held at [location] in [city, state], with Rev. [name] officiating at the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by [name] as Maid of Honor with her sister [name] as bridesmaid.

[bride’s name] weds [groom’s name] [date]. [bride’s name] of [city, state], and [groom’s name] of [city, state], were married [day of week], [date], [time] o’clock in the afternoon at [location]. Rev. [name] of [city, state], officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [name] of [city, state]. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. [name] of [city, state]. The wedding was held on the grassy lawn below [name]. The couple married along the banks of [location] at sunset.

Mr. and Mrs. [name] announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter [bride name] to [groom name], son of Mr. and Mrs. [name] of [city, state]. Ms. [name] graduate of the [school name] and is currently the [position] of the local art museum. Mr. [name] is a partner in [business name]. The couple plans to make their home in [city].

Mrs. [name] and Mr. [name] are proud to announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, [name] to [name], son of [name] and [name] of [city]. The wedding will take place on the riverside beach, where the couple met on [date], exactly three years after their first meeting there. Both [name] and [name] have accepted teaching positions overseas and will be moving to [location] shortly after a honeymoon in [location].

Here is an entertaining video on how to get your wedding announcement into the society pages and make a public announcement for your wedding.

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The author of this post has contributed to this blog for over five years. Go here to see her latest blog posts.