Home » Wedding Messages » Adults Only Wedding Invitation Wording Examples

Adults Only Wedding Invitation Wording Examples

There is more than one way to communicate your message to your guests that you desire your wedding ceremony or reception to be adults only. Here are some great adults only wedding invitation wording examples that will surely keep your guests from getting offended while communicating your preference clearly to them.

Example #1

Place Adults on the RSVP Line.

____ Adults Accepting
____ Adults Declining

Example #2

Put Adults at the bottom of the invitation

Adult reception to follow

Example #3

Set a limit of seat reservations

We have reserved ___ seats in your honor
___ of ___ Attending
___ of ___ Declining

Example #4

Write the names of the guests.

Invited Guests

We would love to have you join us for both the ceremony and reception! However, we realize the day and time may conflict with some schedules.

Here is a look at some unique and creative wedding invitation word usage to include on your invitations. No matter your specific or individual needs, these examples will surely get you feeling creative.

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