Home » Wedding Songs » 27 Best Armenian Wedding Songs

27 Best Armenian Wedding Songs

As you get ready for your big day, these Armenian wedding songs offer the perfect selection and mix for your playlist. Add these to your reception or ceremony.

Barov dzer moorazin hasnek
Chem yertar, merik
Etchmiadzna zorootenov
Gnatsek asek
Ha janum, elek jrag varetsek
Harsanekan yerg hinayi
Harsin taneloo yerg
Hinan ekav, shaghetsek
Kertam, mayrik
Kez tanel enk eker
Mayrik, du mi la
Mek dzerkd hinaye
Mer tagvorner elan saren
Meshkd ilik goti
Mi la, mayrik
Orhneal, Barerar Astvats
Oy, yaman gharipo
Papik, doo halal
Tagavor, inch berem kyo nman
Tagvori mer
Tanel ekank
Taran, Taran
Yerknoots getnoots

Here is one Armenian wedding that will serve as some inspiration to your own wedding event.

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The author of this post has contributed to this blog for over five years. Go here to see her latest blog posts.